Balance Health Nutrition

Balance Health and Nutrition Coaching
Del-Co Water Co. Virtual Health Expo


Welcome to Balance Health and Nutrition Coaching!

My name is Julie Hiller and I’m a Nurse, Functional Nutrition Health Coach, and Owner of
Balance Health and Nutrition Coaching. I help individuals who are struggling with poor gut
health which has led to a weight loss resistance, low energy, digestive woes, brain fog,
inflammatory conditions, autoimmune disease, and other health problems. I coach men and
women to help them create healthy lifestyle patterns in the areas of nutrition, exercise, stress
management, and sleep. I help them restore their gut health, regain energy, and love their life

What pains me is when those I work with feel that the only remedy is medication, and don’t
recognize the impact that diet, stress management, exercise, and sleep will have on improving
their lives.

I offer a signature program, Inflammation Transformation,TM which is an intense 12-week
program where I work on the 4 pillars of Health: Nutrition, Exercise, Stress Management, and
Sleep. The goal of this program is to help individuals reach their weight and health goals.
My clients go from feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and depressed to feeling energetic, in
control of their lives, and extremely positive about their future.

After working with me, my clients are able to experience what it’s like to be rid of their
symptoms, lose weight, feel energetic, and feel happy for the first time in a long time.

To Schedule a Free 30 Minute Consultation

Find us on:

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Balance Health and Nutrition Coaching

(p) 614.401.4634
Julie Hiller, RN, BSN, MSAN, HC


Our Website:
Balance Health and Nutrition Coaching

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