CT Physical Therapy Specialists
Oak Hill Virtual Health Expo


Welcome to Connecticut Physical Therapy Specialists!

Connecticut Physical Therapy Specialists is an outpatient physical therapy practice dedicated to consistently providing high client satisfaction by rendering excellent service. We endeavor to create the most positive outcomes for our patients, referring physicians, local employers and their employees. We are physical therapists that are trained in advanced orthopedics, foot orthoses prescription, medical exercise therapy, manual [hands-on] therapy and the developers of our new Posture & Alignment Performance Fitness Training Program utilizing Redcord. CTPTS is the only clinic in Connecticut offering treatment utilizing the Redcord Professional Workstation, a suspension-based closed kinetic chain exercise system that is proven to facilitate physical rehabilitation, general physical fitness and enhance sport-performance. In addition, our providers utilize an Evidence-Based Physical Therapy (EBPT) treatment approach that guides clinical decision-making to create effective treatment plans tailored to you and your physical therapy needs.



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Granby Location:

West Hartford Location:

CT Physical Therapy Specialists

2 Locations:
11 Mill Pond Drive,
Granby, CT 06035
P:  (860) 413-9969

342 N. Main Street
West Hartford, CT
P:  (860) 461-7940

Contact Email:
E:  oliviam@ctpts.com

Our Website:

Contact Us Below

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