When you need insurance to protect valuable possessions, such as your home and auto, you want to work with an insurance agent who will take the time to get to know you and understand your unique needs. I will work with you to help design an insurance program to properly protect your household. I can review your coverage needs with several different carriers. As a licensed insurance agent in the state of Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Alabama, I am committed to providing you with the professional guidance and personalized service you deserve. If a claim would occur, our goal is to make sure you are taken care of and know you are backed by a company and agent you can trust.

All Property & Casualty Lines – Auto, Home, Renters, Condo, Mobile Home, Landlord’s Rental Dwelling, Recreational Vehicle, Motorcycle, Personal Excess Liability. Commercial products available through our MetLife General Agency* as well as Life Products**.

Property & Casualty and Life licenses, 29 years of insurance experience, Bachelor of Science in Marketing from WSU.

Born and raised in the Miami Valley and currently reside in Oakwood with my spouse of 25 years. Community involvement is one of my passions and I have participated in many events over the years with various non-profit organizations.