About Kevin Larger

I’m proud to be a Thrivent financial professional. I provide personalized financial guidance to people at all stages of life. At Thrivent, we view money not as a goal, but as a tool — one that can afford you a life rich in meaning and gratitude. We believe humanity thrives when individuals make the most of all they’ve been given. I’m here to help you do just that.  For more about me, see the attached bio.

About Thrivent

For over a century, Thrivent has been helping people build their financial futures and live more generous lives. We started out back in 1902, providing much-needed insurance contracts to our faith community. The Christian values that steered us then — generosity and appreciation for what’s important in life — are the same values that compel us in 2020.

Today, we’re a Fortune 500 company, offering a full range of expert financial solutions, including advice, investments, insurance, banking and generosity programs. We serve over 2 million clients, as well as the communities in which they live and work.

Membership at Thrivent

We are a fraternal benefit society, which is a not-for-profit organization owned by its membership. Our goal is to provide mutual benefit to our clients and the communities where they live. We’re a community of people looking out for people, creating impact in all we’re a part of, and spreading generosity.  To be a fraternal benefit society, there must be a common bond that unites members. For Thrivent, that bond is Christianity – embracing faith, finances and charitable giving. Learn more about membership here.

Let’s Talk!

Who is helping you with the complexities of Retirement Income Planning? College Planning? Long Term Care? Estate Planning? I encourage you to take the “Financial Personality Quiz” to learn what type of Financial Personality YOU are. With Income Taxes being one of the biggest concerns in retirement, planning ways to reduce them NOW, instead of waiting, can reap huge benefits in retirement. I hope you will contact me via phone or email to schedule a conversation. Looking forward to speaking with you!